Art installation/window design for London Taxi

So my idea basically centres around visuals of London scenes, featuring the latest London taxi design. The concept would aim to highlight how taking a Black Cab is a quintessential London experience that’s far more glamorous than competitors such as Uber.

Location and budget yet to be determined.

I initially envisioned an actual car in a window, with cardboard cut-out figures in and around the car. The background could be a static image painted onto a flat surface, or it could be animated on a screen, moving from one London landmark to the next as if the car is driving along a road.

Please find below some really rough sketches to give you an idea of what’s in my head.

As for location, I’d have to look into this. I don’t know if London Taxi themselves would have access to a space. Maybe you know of somewhere. Also, budget is a bit of mystery at this point, though I have been covertly assured that they have a sizeable chunk of money for marketing.